Diversity, equity, and inclusion in localisation – getting the tone right for your company values and culture

Most companies now have diversity, equity and inclusion firmly on their radar, and for good reason. A greater number of backgrounds and cultures means more experiences, wider perspectives and different innovation and problem-solving opportunities. Prospective employees feel the same way. According to a LinkedIn survey, 76% of employees and job seekers said diversity was important …

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How localisation and cultural training can help you attract and retain top global talent

As your company grows and moves into new markets, so might your recruitment efforts. Top candidates from across the world bring well-needed diversity and local representation to your business, but attracting and sourcing talent from other cultures can be tricky. A good HR localisation strategy, which includes cultural and language training, can help you find …

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Bullseye! How to ensure your marketing messages hit the spot

You make your aim. And it lands. Your marketing message has reached your target audience and prompted them to sit up, listen, and take action.   This level of success sounds easy to achieve, but it’s not. We know how much hard work and careful consideration went into it:   –       Understanding your audience –       …

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Adding value, quality and reassurance with accreditations

Anyone can set up a language services business and proclaim themselves to be a translator. Some excellent linguists have no formal translation qualifications or expertise, having learned their craft in other ways. Unfortunately, there are also some not-so-good ‘professionals’ operating, with translation companies offering their services without ensuring they have the necessary skills and experience …

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Get started with TMS integration: streamline and control your localisation strategy

Managing translation projects has become a lot more efficient thanks to Translation Management Systems – cloud-based software that automates the entire translation workflow. They store centralised files securely, can connect to other tools, and are extremely efficient at helping you manage intricate glossaries and Translation Memories. You know your tasks, milestones, and priorities better than …

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Dialogue’s multilingual localisation propels Omron Academy into EMEA region, inching company closer to global vision

ABOUT THE COMPANY ·      No. of employees: approximately 30,000 ·      Industry: medical equipment and health monitoring ·      Project type: multilingual localisation OMRON Healthcare is a global leader in clinically proven, innovative medical equipment for health monitoring and therapy. OMRON Academy is their online medical e-learning platform providing free courses and webinars for healthcare professionals (HCPs). …

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AI in medical translation: balance speed and safety

How to best use AI technology for your medical translations   Improved access to information, the ability to weigh up the benefits and risks of suggested treatments and make an informed decision, accurately following medical guidelines, informed consent, and much more… medical translations can save lives and provide your patients and users with a better, …

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Strategic support and guidance add an valuable extra dimension to Dialogue’s EMEA / Asia localisation package for Mitel

ABOUT THE COMPANY No. of employees: 2,600   Industry: Telecommunications   Project type: Multilingual e-learning and marketing localisation     US-based Telecoms giant Mitel was founded in 1996 around the belief that setting up and using phone systems should be, and could be, simple for the customer – “there had to be a better way”. …

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Is language learning a dying art, and should more be done to resurrect it?

A recent article by the BBC reported on data from the British Council’s Language Trends 2023 report. A survey found that since 2004, when studying foreign language became optional beyond the age of 14, the number of students taking a GCSE level in a modern foreign language has significantly declined. What’s more, nearly nine in 10 pupils (out …

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How developing cultural intelligence can boost your business performance

One of the greatest barriers to effective business relationships is misunderstanding. Unfortunately, this can happen among international teams working across different cultures. Some of the main differences you see impact communication, values, mannerisms, and norms; when these are poles apart, it can be near impossible for people to find common ground.   Those who find …

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