Optimise your content

Not sure what to do when your translated website isn’t bringing in the leads you were hoping for? SEO localisation can change that. Increase your website traffic, build brand awareness and ensure your beautifully-crafted content reaches the right people. Our linguists can optimise your web and video content in over 200 languages.

Multilingual keyword research

Over 50% of all Google searches are not written in English and 75% of people do not scroll past the first page of search results. SEO localisation ensures that your content can easily be found by an international audience. Keywords and hashtags need to be relevant to your potential clients and easily searchable in their language, region and culture.

If you already know the keywords your audience are searching for, our translators can fluidly work them into your copy, meta descriptions and alt texts whilst maintaining your brand voice throughout. If you don’t know which words to use, we will conduct in-depth keyword research for you, suggesting the best search terms and relevant hashtags for your market. The result? Better ranking for your landing pages, an SEO-friendly website and engaging social media channels that bring in the leads you’ve been waiting for.

Improved global reach

With the correct multilingual keywords, customers in other countries and target markets are more likely to find your content.

Boost your website traffic

Bring more people to your website by ranking higher on search engines. Make conversions and meet your targets.

Searchable content

Whether it’s football or soccer, celular or móvil, ensure you use the right words to engage your international audience.

Dialogue Translation Estimator

Economy Class

Machine translation with proofing & editing by a human translator. For getting the gist and for internal use only. Recommended as a quick and cheap way to get key information, but not for external use as unpolished. Find out more

Business Class

Full translation, plus proof check e.g. reviewing numbers and formatting but not proofing the accuracy of the translated word. Project managed to ISO 17100:2015 standards. Recommended for internal documents. Find out more

First Class

Full translation, plus in-depth proof by 2nd translator, and final proof check by 3rd linguist. Project managed to ISO 17100:2015 standards. Recommended for external use (websites, contracts etc). Find out more

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SEO Localisation FAQs

SEO localisation is the art of making your content searchable and easily found in any language that you are translating into. Translators insert keywords into the target text that are in line with what your target audience would be searching for. That way, more people can find your company’s webpage, blogs, videos… This can be done while the content is being translated, or we can insert SEO-friendly words into the copy post-translation too.

Yes, our linguists do the keyword research for you in the target language. If you already have English keywords – that’s a great start. Our translators can then find similar keywords in their language. But even if you don’t have the keywords, our translators can do the keyword research from scratch, based on the text in front of them and the brief you give them.

SEO localisation is vital for any of your online content that is available in other languages, such as your website, landing pages, blogs, videos and social media channels. SEO localisation means that when potential new customers are searching for products or services within your industry or that you specialise in, your content ranks higher on search engines, making it more likely that they will find you and click on your company’s page.

Yes, we do! This is done at the subtitling stage, or again, post-translation if you want to bring us videos that have already been translated. Search engines can read the text embedded into the video and so by optimising (SEO-ifying) your video content, that page or video will also rank higher on the search engine’s results page, driving more traffic to your site or channel.